Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I haven't posted in here for a long time. I've decided I'm going to start using this blog for art, mainly, and my goals.

I would love to be a freelance artist but can't financially do it right now so instead I'll have to slowly accomplish this by doing art in my free time and selling it on etsy.com. (http://heffiecupcake.etsy.com) I hope someday I can do this for full time work but for now, I can only do it on the side.

My goal right now is to just get back into drawing and painting and sell what I can through etsy. I'm gonna try to update as much as I can with new creations.

my newest creation...Alice Cullen from Twilight...yes, I'm a nerd. Whatever, I don't care. I love Twilight! I think she came out pretty good considering I haven't drawn in a long time. I hope to improve my skills through my journey of becoming my dream. Now I need to buy some art supplies!! I would really like some recommendations on artist's favorites since I have no idea where to start when it comes to buying supplies. Wish me luck!!

Ideas and inspiration welcome =)

Happy creating!!

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